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Sponsorship Tiers
Choose your sponsor level
Tier 1 Sponsors
5$Every monthSocial Media SponsorshipÂ- Highlighted on social media platforms once a month
Tier 2 Sponsors
10$Every monthSocial media and websiteÂ- Highlighted once a month on Social media
- Listed on website for duration of sponsorship
Tier 3 Sponsors
20$Every monthSocial media, website and marketing materialsÂ- Listed on social media platforms once a month
- Listed on website for duration of sponsorship
- Shown on marketing materials for duration of sponsorship
Event Sponsor
200$ÂSponsor package for for-profit businesses to an eventÂ- Vendor booth at event
- Included on event marketing materials
- Included on event social media blasts and website
Nonprofit Event Sponsor
50$ÂSponsor package for nonprofit organizations to an eventÂ- Included on event social media blasts and website
- Included on event marketing materials
- Dedicated booth at the event
Event Donation Sponsor
0$ÂSponsor package for donations to an eventFree Plan- Donations to include catering, swag bags & promotional items
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