Pet Safety Solutions
Empower Your Mind
About Pet Safety Solutions
Ensuring the safety and well-being of pets is a top priority for any responsible pet owner or caregiver. Midwest Pet Sitter Affiliates offers comprehensive Pet CPR and First Aid courses tailored to individuals, businesses, and teams.
These courses will provide essential training on how to handle emergency situations, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively when a pet's life is on the line. Whether you're a pet owner looking to enhance your care abilities or a business aiming to ensure your team is prepared, these courses offer invaluable tools for safeguarding the pets in your care.
Omaha Metro
Local businesses in Omaha offering to host a class can enjoy a 5% discount for groups of five+ class participants.
Outside Omaha
Businesses outside Omaha offering to host a class can enjoy a 5% discount for groups of ten+ participants.
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