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Welcome Pet Sitters!

MPSA consists of a coalition of 70+ independently owned and operated pet sitting professionals throughout the Omaha and greater midwest area, coming together to benefit and support our animal communities through quality education and collaboration rather than competition. 

Are you looking to join our sitter network? Fill out the form to get started!

Our Shared Values

MPSA is a community that was created to provide a sense of collaboration in the pet sitting industry. This means that we do not intentionally take each others clients, act in a malicious way towards one another and we continue to help each other grow to improve our own individual businesses. We do all of this while giving back to our community and allowing clients to have a safe and trustworthy pet sitter.

We Remain Open-Minded

To how clients run their homes and care for their pets

To how others problem solve certain situations

To how others run their business differently than your own

To constructive and professional feedback

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